Skulls Will Roll

Why I Ride: Skully

Sisters Eternal WMC, Calavera, Skully

Monnouth, Or

Nurse LPN/ going for RN

I got my road name because I love skulls and started collecting them when I was in my teens. One day I was with my grandfather driving down a country road when I saw a skull and asked him to pull over. I hopped out,walked over to the skull, discovered it was a cow skull, picked it up, and brought it home with me..

When I was ten or eleven, I started riding dirt bikes and scooters around the neighborhood to go hang out with my friends. When I was about 13 or so, I had a boyfriend who was labeled as “a bad boy.” I dated him all summer long, and he and gave me rides on his Honda for fun.

I started riding my own because I love riding; and, for a long time, I was just a passenger. I got sick and tired of waiting and feeling like I was begging. I didn't like it. I decided I wanted my own independence so I could ride whenever I wanted, even if I had to go alone.

My first bike was a 76 kickstart ironhead sporty. I was living in Idaho at the time and visiting in Portland. A guy I had dated some years ago owned a shop, and a friend of mine suggested I wear a lowcut shirt so I could possibly get a deal. Not wanting to have my clothing send the wrong message, I went wearing a turtleneck and bought my first motorcycle. The owner took it to my folks’ house for me, thinking we were going to start dating again. I wasn't there so he turned down the points camm because he was ticked by wrongly assuming I was interested. I had left the bike at my folks’ house for a short bit. When my folks brought it to me in Portland, and my (now husband) boyfriend couldn't get it to kick over. So we put it up for sale, and he bought me a 94 883 sporty. After some days of troubleshooting and tinkering with the sporty, we realized the camm was in the wrong place. We put it where it belonged then it worked and kicked over just fine when I bought it.


Currently I ride a 2008 Heritage named Blue; he is paid off and he is mine, all mine. An average ride for me all depends on what the day has in store. On a busy day I’ll only get in about 60-70 miles just tooting around close to home. On a planned day I’ll go a couple hundred miles. My favorite ride is to take the freeway, open the throttle, and just go. I'll find a place to stop for a bite to eat, rest for a bit, and head home. I'm not a huge fan of the twists and turns.

My favorite thing about being on two wheels is that it makes me super happy to feel the freedom and independence.

My worst bike memory is when my husband and I were on a ride and we rode over some railroad tracks. All of the sudden while on the tracks, my front tire just dropped out! I went down, the bike went spinning in circles, and to top it all off I broke my left arm. I was thankful no train was coming.

My best bike memory is in 2014 I rode my own bike from Portland all the way to Sturgis. I had been there four times before as a passenger, but then I decided I have to do this as a rider, or I was going to regret it for the rest of my life. I felt this was a good opportunity for me so I decided I was going to do it, and boy am I glad I did. In 2017 we decided to go to Sturgis again, and I rode my own. A friend of ours was widowed the previous year and asked us to spread her husband’s ashes on Bear Butte Pass which is 11,000 feet above sea level; we did so happily for her. It was such a special ride for me; I will never forget that day. That is one of my proudest moments; not only did I learn to appreciate my bike and discover my abilities, but I also found so much more confidence in myself I didn't know I had.

Why I Ride: Ice Queen

    Sisters Eternal WMC, Calavera, Ice Queen

    Willamina, OR

    Senior Office Specialist


I got my road name Ice Queen from an ex because he said I was withdrawn and cold to strangers; however, this isn't true. When I’m in a new situation, I prefer to be a wallflower and assess the folks and the conditions in the room. I decided to stick with Ice Queen because it’s more fitting for me because it reminds me of lessons I’ve learned and to keep assessing before I interact.

I started at the age of six riding off road dirt bikes; our family would travel, take our dirt bikes, and just have a blast. At the age of 15 I rode the back roads of willamina until I had kids; when they got old enough, I would take them off road with me. Now they're all moved out. It's been 6 years, and I’ve been able to be on my own two wheels and enjoy the glory of the open road and the wind in my hair. Being a mom, I wanted to put my kids first, so I set aside riding on the road because what if something happened to me? My family means more to me than anything.

I started riding because the world I grew up in it was expected. I followed in my father's footsteps who had a Goldwing we all enjoyed. I have never been a passenger on anybody's bike except my father’s. I just felt free; it's always been an amazing feeling.

My first bike was a 535 virago that I found sitting in a barn in great condition; it hadn't been ridden in a while so I took it home and cleaned it up. I was trying to get a more bobber/chopper old school look so my husband and I put a nice springer seat on it and did a few other modifications and made it look just like my vision.

I currently ride a 2016 48 1200 xl Harley Davidson. I bought it brand new off the showroom floor; I was looking at others, but this one was just screaming my name.

A typical ride for me depends on the time of year, whether I’m working or if I have some free time. During the summer I ride to work every day. On my free time I’ll go anywhere from a couple hundred miles or doodle around town or maybe I’ll do both. My favorite is to find an open straightaway, roll back the throttle, and just zoom.

My favorite thing about being on two wheels is the freedom and the ability to just zone out. I love the feel of adrenaline from the motion of going fast, moving from side to side between cars as safely as possible, like Mario having nothing to think about but the road. For all safety reasons I never ride while I’m sick.

My worst bike memory is when I was riding my Virago and the engine cut out. It had happened a few times before so I knew how to pop the clutch. As I was doing so on this particular day, it proved difficult for me:  as I put it in second gear and popped the clutch, my bike spun out forcing me to lay it down. I was scared and mad at the same time. First thing I did was call my husband; first thing out of my mouth was, I’m ok, but I laid the bike down. So I picked up my bike, and my husband showed up to check on me. Then as we were looking at the bike, we realized that the stator had gone out. That was the moment I decided it was time for me to upgrade.

My best bike memory was when I took my first long ride out of Oregon to California. It was a great ride! I got to meet interesting people along the way and when we got to our final destination. All in all, the trip was just an absolute wonderful experience for me.


Why I Ride: Squirrel

Sisters Eternal WMC, Calavera, Squirrel

Lakewood, WA

United States Post Office Maintenance Mechanic

 (I work on the machines that separate the mail, not on vehicles)



When did you start riding?    

I started riding as a passenger with my father when I was finally able to reach the pegs (around seven). I started riding on just dirt bikes and ATV’s in the neighbors’ and friends’ fields. It wasn't until 2015 that I started riding my own bike on the pavement when I was 40. I was so scared to be on the road with other cars I would only ride in my tiny neighborhood up to 30mph. It wasn't until the summer of 2016 that I finally got comfortable enough to ride the small main streets in town. Then in 2016 I finally got onto the freeway with enough courage to hit a whole whopping 70mph.

    I started riding because I was told I couldn’t do it because I was a girl short. So to prove them wrong, I hopped on my step-brother’s dirt bike and zipped around the track. Now as an adult I want to ride just simply because I love how I can forget all the BS and concentrate on not falling down. I crave the feeling of independence and the feeling of the wind like a silk scarf sliding over my neck and face. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to ride next to my father instead of always being his passenger.

What was your first bike? What do you ride now?

  My first bike was an 883 xl iron. It was a birthday/engagement present from Michael. My engagement ring was zip tied to the bike itself.  I currently still ride my first bike.

What is a typical ride for you?  

   A typical ride for me all depends on what I’m doing. If I'm going to work, I just get there because I can't be late. However, after work, I don't mind taking the round about way home. On my days off, I just hop on my sporty and take roads I don't know, find somewhere to eat I’ve never been before, then head home. Whether it's the freeway or a twisty road, I’ll go. It's all about the adventure for me.

What is your favorite thing about being on two wheels?

    The best thing about two wheels for me is remembering the time I was told I couldn’t do it. I thoroughly enjoy that ultimate feeling of independence and freedom. Even better, I can finally find a way to get through my woes. For me, riding is “cheap therapy.”

What is your worst bike memory?

    My worst bike memory, to make it short, is when as kids we were being all tough and acting like we were all better than the other. I was on the back of a friend’s bike on a day after a few days of heavy rain. We were on a dirt track, hit a tree root that we didn't see, and the back wheel slipped on the tree root. We went down. I was holding on so tightly, the exhaust pipe on my leg burnt through my pants; luckily, we landed in a mud puddle so I didn't have too bad of a burn on my leg. Boy, oh boy! I was soaked and covered head to toe with mud. My mother was furious with me as she hosed me down with the garden hose before she let me in the house.

What is your best bike memory?

    My best bike memory is the first time I got on the back with my father. It was the day I fell in love with motorcycles and had an opportunity to have a wonderful day with my Daddy.


Why I Ride: Rocky - Featured in Jonna Travels

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Name: "Rocky"                          

Residence: Arizona

Occupation: CFO


When did you start riding?

I was three. It was my uncle’s idea of babysitting. He and my grandmother owned a biker bar named Murphy’s in El Mirage, California. We spent the summers there and he modified a dirt bike so I could ride it. I fell in love with it immediately. It had a clutch and I couldn’t really pull the levers, so I popped that clutch more than I can tell you. He made it really loose, so I could pull them more easily. He would fill up the tank and say, “Come back when you run out of gas or the sun goes down, whatever comes first.” At the very beginning, I didn’t get very far from the bar, maybe only about a quarter of a mile away. I’m grateful for that start and love every second of what I’m doing with bikes today. It’s part of what I’ve been doing since I can remember.


What was your first bike?

I got my first street bike when I was 11 years old. It was a 1979 Triumph. My uncle helped me rebuild it and he wouldn’t let me start riding it on the street until I took a safety course in health, like how to cauterize wounds and stuff. In other words, accident management. In California at that time, you didn’t need a license. You just needed the ability to ride a two wheeler. I was around 12 when I actually started riding it on the street. I basically used it to get to and from the beach. I made a thing for it that would carry my board. When I was 15, I started living on my own. My parents had kicked me out, so it became my only transportation.

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What do you ride now?

I have three bikes right now. One is from the Biker Build Off here in Las Vegas. The Mohave County Sisters did it and we won. I was very proud of us. It’s a 1979ish Sportster. It’s got parts from 1979 to 1982. The body is 1979, but the rest of it is not. She’s a rat bike extraordinaire.

I also have a 1999 Road King and a 2012 Street Glide. I love both of them for different reasons. I was on the Street Glide when I took my three month trip. It’s basically a couch on wheels. I did my Iron Butt on that and it wasn’t that hard. The hardest part about that was staying awake because it took me about 18 ½ hours for a total of 1,079 miles. But, the Road King is a blast on the twisties.


What is a typical ride for you?

I started taking long trips when I was 16 or 17. I would go to places like Yosemite or Mexico and I always went on my own because I didn’t know anybody that rode. I knew my uncle and I knew his friends that rode, but they were in clubs and they didn’t let women ride with them. That was the crazy part about my uncle teaching me to ride because, in their club, they didn’t believe in women riding motorcycles. He’s always been progressive in that way. He is thrilled that I am in a women’s motorcycle club.

I tell everyone at work that I ride so I don’t kill them. *laughs* I had torn all the tendons in my ankle and couldn’t ride for six months after the surgery. They all kept asking, “When did the doctor say you could ride again?” It’s calming for me. But, I don’t really have a typical ride. From March to July this year, I have put 4,800 miles on my bike and that’s low for me. We have a trip planned for August where we’re going to travel from Tennessee to Key West and then head home over a course of two weeks. It’ll probably be about 7,000 miles. In October, we’ll be traveling to Houston to meet with the Texas Sisters.



What is your favorite thing about being on two wheels?

I thoroughly enjoy the freedom that a bike brings. I have met a lot of wonderful people because of riding my motorcycle. I have traveled and seen things that you wouldn’t see otherwise. I have experienced the United States, not just seen it. It’s a lifestyle that I would not change for the world.


What is your worst bike memory?

None from when I was riding, but I’m lucky. I’ve had close calls. Everyone has. But, I’ve never laid my bike down. I’ve hit the brakes pretty hard and came close to laying her down, but she stood back up. The worst memory I have in relation to biking was what happened to my girlfriend’s dad. He was in an accident a year ago in September. He was riding with her uncle, and they were both on separate bikes when an SUV turned in front of them. Her uncle was killed immediately. Her dad is still in the hospital. That was the worst phone I call I ever got. That’s the one thing we have no control over. I can control how that bike goes. I can control how I panic, if I panic, even though I generally don’t panic. However, I cannot control what a vehicle will do. I tell everyone if I die on my bike, I died doing something I love, so don’t mourn me. Celebrate the life that I had.


What is your best bike memory?

Two years ago, I spent three months riding around the United States. I rode almost 19,000 miles. In that time, I think I spent two months in the rain. It was a wet, wet trip, but I was on two wheels. I was out on the road. I was experiencing what it is to be free and do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want. I had the time of my life. I found the best road in Connecticut and they had just paved it, so I did that road ten times. It was hard to go back home after all of that.



How did you get your biker name?

When I first moved to this area, I was doing about 85 in the slow lane on a two lane highway. A semi passed me and kicked up a rock that was probably a good inch in diameter. I saw it coming. It looked like a basketball. It was going straight for my nose and I turned my head just enough for it to miss my nose or I think it would have killed me. It hit me in the forehead and just about knocked me out. I was not wearing a helmet. I went home and told the girls about it and they said, “Well, you know, around here, we have pebbles. Lots of pebbles. I don’t think it was a rock.” And, so they nicknamed me Pebbles. I was pissed. I am NOT a Pebbles. This went on for about six weeks. They even made me a patch. But, I was still having horrible, horrible headaches, so I went to the doctor. He ordered an X-Ray and an MRI. When the X-Ray came back, he said I had fractured my skull. I asked for a copy of the X-Ray. One, I wanted to put it on my bike. And, two, I wanted to show the girls it wasn’t a fucking pebble! When they saw that they said, “Holy shit! You’re not a Pebbles. You’re a Rocky!”

But, I’ve had a lot of those “holy shit” moments. In March of 2016, I was coming back home from South Carolina through Houston when they had that huge storm that flooded Louisiana and Houston and Georgia. I got tired of sitting in Houston. I had been there for eight days, so I finally said, “Forget it. I’m going to ride home. It will eventually stop.” Well, it didn’t stop until I hit the Arizona border. It was raining buckets. It was raining so hard I couldn’t see more than a quarter of a mile in front of me. I was doing 50 in an 85 mph zone. A guy pulling a Harley passed me, then slowed down, got behind me and put on his flashers. He drove his car behind me for about 50 miles. When we got to the Arizona border, I stopped so I could take a shower because I was freezing. I wanted to take a shower and put dry clothes on. The guy had parked by me and gone in. I got off my bike, took off all my leathers, and walked in. This guy sees me and says, “Holy shit! You’re a chick! I was the guy in the car behind you. I kept telling my buddy that guy is a bad ass!” He was trailering his bike back from Daytona and said if he’d had room, he would’ve put my bike on, too. I told him I would have taken it, which is something because I never put my bike on a trailer, but after four days of being in that rain, I was done. It was so cold. It was not a comfortable ride at all. I just kept saying, “One more mile. One more mile.” I was grateful to get out of it.


As a lady rider and president of a women's motorcycle club, what advice do you have for women who may be interested in learning how to ride?

Just get out there and do it. Don't let any obstacle stand in your way. I have ridden in snow, rain, sunshine, and everything in between. You don't have a bad day, ever, when you're on two wheels.

Why I Ride: Click - Featured in Jonna Travels


Name:  Jessica a.ka. “Click”

Residence: Kingwood, Texas                                                      


1. When did you start riding?

It’s kind of a funny story. I bought my bike in August 2014. I had a mishap that scared me a little bit, so my bike stayed parked for about 5-6 months. I finally picked it back up and really started riding in April 2015. One of my friends basically said, “Look, you just got to do it.” He lived in a separate town, so he would meet me halfway and then we would go riding. I took back roads to get there, of course, but it was a starting point and I kept going from there. It was baby steps at first, but once he got me on the highway, it was on from there.


2. Why did you start riding?

When I was little, my dad rode. He had a Honda Goldwing. I started riding on the back of his bike when I was about four. We usually just went around town. My dad passed away when I was 10, so those are very fond memories for me. After that, it was just something I always wanted to do. When my husband and I separated, I decided I was going to do everything I’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t been able to. I went and took the safety course and got my endorsement.


3. What was your first bike?

It was a 2004 Sportster 1200. I wanted something that wasn’t super expensive. This way, if I did wreck it, I wouldn’t waste a lot of money. Plus, it was something I was comfortable on. Once I really started riding, I was only on it about six months when I was ready to upgrade, but I had that Sporty for about two years.


4. What do you ride now?

It is a 2015 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe. My favorite thing about it is the paint job. I have the Hard Candy Cancun Blue and it is beautiful! I saw it and knew I had to have this bike.


5. What is a typical ride for you?

I don’t think there is a typical ride. I go anywhere. Sometimes it’s to events with my club and sometimes I feel like going for a ride and ride aimlessly with no destination in mind.


6. What would be your ideal ride?

That’s hard to say. I have a long list of places that I want to go to. My boyfriend also rides and we want to start going on trips.


7. What is your favorite thing about being on two wheels?

Just the freedom of it. It’s a feeling like no other. I don’t even know how to explain it. For me, I feel closer to my dad when I’m riding because that was one of his major loves.


8. What is your worst bike memory?

That would be the mishap I referred to when I got my first motorcycle. The driveway has small curve at the end and when I came off it, it hit pretty hard, which caused me to throttle. I panicked! Everything I had learned went out the window. Luckily, I was able to get the bike to a stop before I hit anything. I ended up about six inches from the neighbor’s house. I wasn’t hurt and the bike didn’t have any issues. I picked it back up and pushed it across the street where it sat for 5-6 months. It could have been a lot worse.


9. What is your best bike memory?

That would be when my club sisters and I went to the hill country here in Texas. It’s where the Three Sisters is at, which are three gorgeous roads that have a ton of curves and hills on them. It’s one of the best roads for motorcycles in Texas. This was before I had actually joined the club. I told Blaze (VP of Sisters Eternal, NW Houston) that I wanted to go out there for my birthday and she ran with it. We got a cabin and the whole club went out there. We had a blast! That was my first time riding on any major curves. I was so, so nervous. The day we got there, we dropped our stuff off at the cabin first and got back on the bikes to go riding. That night, the girls noticed that I had been struggling a little bit, so they gave me tips and pointers. I took their advice and the next day, I was keeping up with them. It was such a good time.


10. How long have you been with Sisters Eternal?

I started hanging around with them in 2015, so almost two years. I have been an actual patch holder for almost a year.


11. What prompted you to join?

I was in the military and I’m used to that kind of camaraderie. Everybody has each other’s back in the club and that’s what I was looking for because I wasn’t really getting it in the civilian world. I had friends that were in guys clubs, so I searched for women’s clubs. I started out talking to Blaze and met up with everyone, and found that was where I belonged.


12. Has your veteran status affected how you ride?

I think it does. I definitely have more awareness of everything around me when I ride. I’m also very protective of my sisters and we’re always there for each other, which is the kind of thing I experienced in the military.


13. How did you get your biker name?

I’m into photography. I used to have a photography business, but now I just do it for the club and as a hobby. I do a little bit of everything, but when I had my business, my favorite thing to do was capture events, like weddings, birthday parties, bridal showers. I like capturing the candid moments versus the posed stuff

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Why I Ride: Blaze - Featured in Jonna Travels

Name: Sisters Eternal WMC, National President, Blaze (

Residence: Houston, Texas             

Occupation: Accounting




 When did you start riding?

When I was eight years old, I found an old Honda dirt bike in the shed of a property my father purchased covered by things such as a roll of carpet and other miscellaneous items which needed to be cleaned out of the shed. After tinkering for a brief time, we had the dirt bike up and going. Once I climbed in the saddle, I have never been able to look back.


Why did you start riding?

Ever since I was a small child, I have always had a love for motorcycles. I was captivated by the artwork and individuality from each rider through the customization and design of their machines. At the fairs, I found myself always choosing a motorcycle replica over the monster trucks, boats, and other options available on rides.







What was your first bike?

Honda XR75



What do you ride now?

MY DREAM BIKE! Harley-Davidson Street Glide Special: “Maverick.”


What is a typical ride for you?

Monday through Friday I typically conquer what I like to refer to as, “the motorcycle Olympics.” Living in an overpopulated city full of aggressive drivers who feel that their need to arrive somewhere is far more important than the next definitely provides its challenges. All-in-all the average person will tell you that you would have to be a maniac to ride a motorcycle in Houston. If you remain offensively defensive, however, you’re perfectly fine! The trick is to keep your head on a swivel looking for, “escape routes.” On the weekends, I am usually out and about with my Sisters working on fundraising for charities such as the Alzheimer’s Association, exploring, or looking for twisties to ride. After all, “Life is a Daring Adventure or Nothing At All,” in the great words of Helen Keller!


What is your favorite thing about being on two wheels?

Throughout my life, it’s become much more than just a hobby, but also a part of who I am. It’s given me a desire to dream, discover and explore. It’s also introduced me to many riders, friends, and even uncovered some family stories of the sport. I’ve enjoyed riding the sand dunes on dirt bikes growing up just as much as falling in with hundreds of choppers carving through scenic escapes along the way – and all the while the bond is the same. It’s all about the passion of the riders and the soul of their machines. It’s the best feeling in the world and I could never imagine not riding. From the moment I climb in the saddle, my worries and stressors from this chaotic world we live in immediately fade away without fail. It’s the best medicine in the world. I truly Thank God for the blessing that I’ve been given of not only learning to ride, but also for having a father who gave me the knowledge to be able to maintain my own machine. 


What is your worst bike memory?

In the Winter of 2015, I was in a collision with a pickup truck. When I came to, the Bluetooth module on my helmet had connected to my phone to which I woke up to, “Welcome to the Jungle,” by Aerosmith blaring in my ear. I had broken the bones in each of my forearms and shattered both wrists, but at the time I was not quite clear on what had transpired. All four lanes of traffic were backed up across the highway, to which I was spread across two. The only thing I could see was my bike lying next to me with holes where there should not have been any. After a horrible rush of adrenalin, my temperature freezing, and my body shaking with what felt like the longest ambulance ride known to mankind, we finally arrived at the hospital. As they were wheeling me into the emergency room, the paramedics asked me if I had any questions. Which, of course I did. I always do! I inquired as to how long it would take to heal being I had never broken anything prior. When they told me that I was easily looking at two months, I then asked if there were any ways to speed up the process while explaining that two months was just not acceptable. After all, I had things to do!


What is your best bike memory?

There truly are so many that it is hard to choose just one! I will say that the Sisterhood in which our women’s club, Sisters Eternal WMC, has formed across the nation is complied of many things that make each trip special whether a short or long haul. It’s a warm smile on a cold and rainy day while you’re drenched from head to toe in your leathers in the middle of winter, a friendly hug that quickly turns into a pile of Sisters tackling you, or even a cheerful hello while taking in to gorgeous scenery across the horizon realizing just how far you’ve come together. It’s all that a good and lasting friendship is, only better. It’s treasured. It’s sacred. It’s knowing that there will always be someone there for you no matter what time, day or night. It’s dreams shared and goals achieved. It’s counting on others and being counted on. It’s real. It’s family.