Skulls Will Roll

Why I Ride: Squirrel

Sisters Eternal WMC, Calavera, Squirrel

Lakewood, WA

United States Post Office Maintenance Mechanic

 (I work on the machines that separate the mail, not on vehicles)



When did you start riding?    

I started riding as a passenger with my father when I was finally able to reach the pegs (around seven). I started riding on just dirt bikes and ATV’s in the neighbors’ and friends’ fields. It wasn't until 2015 that I started riding my own bike on the pavement when I was 40. I was so scared to be on the road with other cars I would only ride in my tiny neighborhood up to 30mph. It wasn't until the summer of 2016 that I finally got comfortable enough to ride the small main streets in town. Then in 2016 I finally got onto the freeway with enough courage to hit a whole whopping 70mph.

    I started riding because I was told I couldn’t do it because I was a girl short. So to prove them wrong, I hopped on my step-brother’s dirt bike and zipped around the track. Now as an adult I want to ride just simply because I love how I can forget all the BS and concentrate on not falling down. I crave the feeling of independence and the feeling of the wind like a silk scarf sliding over my neck and face. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to ride next to my father instead of always being his passenger.

What was your first bike? What do you ride now?

  My first bike was an 883 xl iron. It was a birthday/engagement present from Michael. My engagement ring was zip tied to the bike itself.  I currently still ride my first bike.

What is a typical ride for you?  

   A typical ride for me all depends on what I’m doing. If I'm going to work, I just get there because I can't be late. However, after work, I don't mind taking the round about way home. On my days off, I just hop on my sporty and take roads I don't know, find somewhere to eat I’ve never been before, then head home. Whether it's the freeway or a twisty road, I’ll go. It's all about the adventure for me.

What is your favorite thing about being on two wheels?

    The best thing about two wheels for me is remembering the time I was told I couldn’t do it. I thoroughly enjoy that ultimate feeling of independence and freedom. Even better, I can finally find a way to get through my woes. For me, riding is “cheap therapy.”

What is your worst bike memory?

    My worst bike memory, to make it short, is when as kids we were being all tough and acting like we were all better than the other. I was on the back of a friend’s bike on a day after a few days of heavy rain. We were on a dirt track, hit a tree root that we didn't see, and the back wheel slipped on the tree root. We went down. I was holding on so tightly, the exhaust pipe on my leg burnt through my pants; luckily, we landed in a mud puddle so I didn't have too bad of a burn on my leg. Boy, oh boy! I was soaked and covered head to toe with mud. My mother was furious with me as she hosed me down with the garden hose before she let me in the house.

What is your best bike memory?

    My best bike memory is the first time I got on the back with my father. It was the day I fell in love with motorcycles and had an opportunity to have a wonderful day with my Daddy.