Choosing the Right Club

There are often times where it seems like only the negative news is being reported on motorcycle clubs. While some of these reports can be quite true, depending upon the organization, we cannot argue with that position at all. What we can do is attempt to relay the other side of the story, and more specifically answering the question we receive often:

“What is the benefit of joining a motorcycle club?”

Let's take a ride and see what we can find out about that question:

  • To start, It depends on what kind of person you are and what kind of club you are looking for in order to achieve a positive experience.

  • Research, Research and after that… More Research

  • The Hang Around Period: One of the most important processes of a Motorcycle Club

  • Sisterhood

  • Avoiding the Politics and Making the most out of the Patch.

What kind of person are you and what kind of club are you looking for?

One of the most important things you have to do before even considering a motorcycle club is determining what kind of person you are. This might sound peculiar to those who do not know what we are referring to, but let us provide an example:

Are you a person who considers herself someone who can figuratively speaking give and take a beating, but in reality you are more of a person who is more diplomatic and shies away from confrontation?

The first thing you have to do is be true to yourself. Motorcycle Clubs are made up of all walks of life with a different skill sets per person. To be a part of a motorcycle club you do not have to pretend to be a “Billy Badass.” First off, the motorcycle club members will see right through the act. Secondly, you will find yourself on the outside looking in because members of clubs do not take kindly to someone acting like something they are not.

What Kind of Motorcycle Club are you looking to belong to?

In the history of the motorcycle world, many of the stories which you hear relay that the dominant clubs (more frequently relayed as 1% clubs) require quite a bit of time, effort, and work in order to become a member. They live and breathe the club life. Most of the time, they go to work – come home – then ride out with the other members. Most of the time, their family comes second in their life. In order to choose the right club for you, you have to understand the commitment before ever getting to the research stage of a club.

Most people out there will fall into the 99%er categories. What this means, is while you may remain neutral and support the vast motorcycle community as a whole, you are not a direct associate or member of a support club for any one dominant club. Sisters Eternal WMC is a neutrally chartered club with the American Motorcyclists Association and are recognized as professional, family-friendly, fair and legitimate by communities, participants and the motorcycling industry. Our Sisters come from all walks of life, and they navigate many different routes on their journey to the same destination: freedom on two wheels.

Our Sisters are well experienced riders.We are a close-knit and cohesive group. Our Mission is to promote a positive image for not only the motorcycle community, but that of women on motorcycles as well.

So, be true to yourself when looking for what type of club you would be a successful part of. If you truly think you would want to go to a 1%er club then we suggest becoming a part of one of their support clubs. This will get you up close and personal to see how everything works.

Research, Research, and after that - More Research:

After you have determined what kind of club you're interested in then it's time to turn to the research phase. What we mean by that is what area are you from? What clubs are in your area? Are those clubs a part of the Confederation of Clubs and Independents (COC&I)? Are the clubs out and about? Are you interested in forming a chapter for that organization? And so on and so on.

You did all your research and found a club you're interested in. Hang around, “Hang Around.” This is going to be the most important period to help you make sure you are around the right motorcycle club. This enables you to get to know every single member of the chapter you're interested in personally. It allows the club to get to know you as well. If you're truly looking for Sisterhood then don't sell yourself or motorcycle club short by taking the hang around or prospecting period for granted.


Sisterhood and what a Motorcycle Club Offers:

The first thing you have to realize about Sisterhood is what it is. Sisterhood is about sacrifice. It also means that you cry, bleed, and sweat with your Sister. You're no longer an individual (or better known as an Independent) when it comes to being a member of a motorcycle club. If you're a part of a true Motorcycle Club, then you're a part of a cohesive unit watching out for each other. Making sure you're always there for the club just like you would be for your own blood family for this is your chosen family.

This is what a motorcycle club truly offers if it's based on true Sisterhood. Look past all the nonsense you see on the streets: all the hugging and “wind sister” suggestions. What makes a Sisterhood is all behind the acts and proof in the pudding if someone is a true Sister. Just because you wear the same patch doesn't mean necessarily she is your Sister. A true Sisterhoods members make the patch - the patch doesn’t make them.


Avoiding the Politics and Making the Most out of the Patch:

In order to make the most of the motorcycle club experience, you're going to want to stay away from the internal club politics. And, don’t entertain those who lack respect while creating havoc and dismay. This is what always brings a club down.

To maintain a true Sisterhood may be one of the hardest things to do because of all the personalities within a club. However, it is also by far one of the most impactful experiences you will ever have. If you maintain the charter and follow the guidelines set within, then you will be a part of a great that will last a lifetime.


You will only get the most out of a motorcycle club from what you put into it. If you truly believe in the purpose and people within the motorcycle club, then put 110% into it. If you do that, you're going to have some of the best experiences life can offer. You will have people who will be there when you're in need, to help prop you up, and comfort you when you're down. Nothing ever beats the feeling of wearing a patch that is earned, and traveling down the highway, back roads, or occasionally off-road (insert smirk here) while riding your steel stead with the Sisters you love.