Skulls Will Roll

Why I Ride: Click - Featured in Jonna Travels


Name:  Jessica a.ka. “Click”

Residence: Kingwood, Texas                                                      


1. When did you start riding?

It’s kind of a funny story. I bought my bike in August 2014. I had a mishap that scared me a little bit, so my bike stayed parked for about 5-6 months. I finally picked it back up and really started riding in April 2015. One of my friends basically said, “Look, you just got to do it.” He lived in a separate town, so he would meet me halfway and then we would go riding. I took back roads to get there, of course, but it was a starting point and I kept going from there. It was baby steps at first, but once he got me on the highway, it was on from there.


2. Why did you start riding?

When I was little, my dad rode. He had a Honda Goldwing. I started riding on the back of his bike when I was about four. We usually just went around town. My dad passed away when I was 10, so those are very fond memories for me. After that, it was just something I always wanted to do. When my husband and I separated, I decided I was going to do everything I’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t been able to. I went and took the safety course and got my endorsement.


3. What was your first bike?

It was a 2004 Sportster 1200. I wanted something that wasn’t super expensive. This way, if I did wreck it, I wouldn’t waste a lot of money. Plus, it was something I was comfortable on. Once I really started riding, I was only on it about six months when I was ready to upgrade, but I had that Sporty for about two years.


4. What do you ride now?

It is a 2015 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe. My favorite thing about it is the paint job. I have the Hard Candy Cancun Blue and it is beautiful! I saw it and knew I had to have this bike.


5. What is a typical ride for you?

I don’t think there is a typical ride. I go anywhere. Sometimes it’s to events with my club and sometimes I feel like going for a ride and ride aimlessly with no destination in mind.


6. What would be your ideal ride?

That’s hard to say. I have a long list of places that I want to go to. My boyfriend also rides and we want to start going on trips.


7. What is your favorite thing about being on two wheels?

Just the freedom of it. It’s a feeling like no other. I don’t even know how to explain it. For me, I feel closer to my dad when I’m riding because that was one of his major loves.


8. What is your worst bike memory?

That would be the mishap I referred to when I got my first motorcycle. The driveway has small curve at the end and when I came off it, it hit pretty hard, which caused me to throttle. I panicked! Everything I had learned went out the window. Luckily, I was able to get the bike to a stop before I hit anything. I ended up about six inches from the neighbor’s house. I wasn’t hurt and the bike didn’t have any issues. I picked it back up and pushed it across the street where it sat for 5-6 months. It could have been a lot worse.


9. What is your best bike memory?

That would be when my club sisters and I went to the hill country here in Texas. It’s where the Three Sisters is at, which are three gorgeous roads that have a ton of curves and hills on them. It’s one of the best roads for motorcycles in Texas. This was before I had actually joined the club. I told Blaze (VP of Sisters Eternal, NW Houston) that I wanted to go out there for my birthday and she ran with it. We got a cabin and the whole club went out there. We had a blast! That was my first time riding on any major curves. I was so, so nervous. The day we got there, we dropped our stuff off at the cabin first and got back on the bikes to go riding. That night, the girls noticed that I had been struggling a little bit, so they gave me tips and pointers. I took their advice and the next day, I was keeping up with them. It was such a good time.


10. How long have you been with Sisters Eternal?

I started hanging around with them in 2015, so almost two years. I have been an actual patch holder for almost a year.


11. What prompted you to join?

I was in the military and I’m used to that kind of camaraderie. Everybody has each other’s back in the club and that’s what I was looking for because I wasn’t really getting it in the civilian world. I had friends that were in guys clubs, so I searched for women’s clubs. I started out talking to Blaze and met up with everyone, and found that was where I belonged.


12. Has your veteran status affected how you ride?

I think it does. I definitely have more awareness of everything around me when I ride. I’m also very protective of my sisters and we’re always there for each other, which is the kind of thing I experienced in the military.


13. How did you get your biker name?

I’m into photography. I used to have a photography business, but now I just do it for the club and as a hobby. I do a little bit of everything, but when I had my business, my favorite thing to do was capture events, like weddings, birthday parties, bridal showers. I like capturing the candid moments versus the posed stuff

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